The OnePlus 5 limited edition JCC+, announced in collaboration with popular designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac a couple of weeks ago, is now available for purchase across Europe. The funky-looking handset is only available in the 8 GB RAM variant at no additional cost. The OnePlus 5 JCC + is priced at €559 or £499, which is same as the standard version of the device. The handset was unveiled at a special pop-up event hosted in Paris on September 22. A limited number of handsets, along with other merchandise such as caps, bags, holsters, and t-shirts – signed by Jean-Charles de Castelbajac – were also put up for sale during this event.
In the first look of the JCC+ edition of the phone, the words ‘this is not a mobile phone, it is a creative machine for artists, fashion experts, ideas catcher. This tool is kool you can use it as a telephone one + Jean-Charles de Castelbajac’ scribbled on the back panel stand out the most. A closer look reveals that the phone also sports a blue power button, a red volume rocker, and a yellow alert slider. Of course, the variations are also limited to these design elements. The limited edition OnePlus 5 has exactly the same specs as the standard variant.
This vibrant mix of colors definitely makes it look like a device screaming for attention, and therefore, the JCC+ limited edition may not be for everyone. If you think you can carry off that kind of spunky design elements on your mobile handset, the limited edition phone can be ordered via the OnePlus website, but only in Europe. The rest of special edition merchandise, however, will be available to buyers outside Europe as well. Live outside Europe and want that phone real bad? Well, it may be time to touch base with long-lost friends, cousins, schoolmates who could buy it for you.
Source: Express UK